N. 76 (2017)

Odissea A/R di Emma Dante. Riattivazione del mito in due movimenti

Pubblicato giugno 25, 2017
Come citare
Barsotti, A. (2017). Odissea A/R di Emma Dante. Riattivazione del mito in due movimenti. Il Castello Di Elsinore, (76), 91-107. https://doi.org/10.13135/2036-5624/60


With the reworking of the initial and final episodes of the homeric Odyssey (Telemachy-outward and Odysseus-return), Odissea A/R by Emma Dante may be included among those dramatization works that try to reactivate a source of the past, whether dra- matic or not, with all the meanings that allow it to be transmuted over time. By comparing the drama with the Odyssey, which for the Palermitan writer and stage director represents a way to “go back to her own origin”, but also with the different scripts that anticipate the printed edition (Glifo Edizioni, Palermo 2016), the essay analyzes the dramatic design and the peculiar language used by the artist, oscillating between different registers: high, when descending from Homer, more often low, and in dialect. It also opens up speculations about the performance, aiming to point out the considerable traces included in the written page, that rouse the reader's imagination.


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