dicembre 7, 2017
Come citare
Alonge, R. (2017). Salvate il soldato Bordin. Il Castello Di Elsinore, (77), 119-123.
Roberto Alonge reviewed the book of Anglani, Che cos’è questa crisi? Divagazioni sul teatro di Goldoni e sui suoi interpreti, which is a large volume of over 500 pages. It is a very long digression, written in a light and sympathetic tone, full of irony. It is, in practice, a pamphlet, however anomalous. In the final part of his review Alonge dwells on one of the many Goldoni scholars of which speaks the book of Anglani: Michele Bordin which is an italianist scholar of value, a pupil of Giorgio Padoan, that only the cruelty (and blindness) of the Italian University can leave confined to teaching in high schools.
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