N. 79 (2019)
Dossier / Una “scandalosa grandezza”

La stagione di Carmelo Bene al Beat 72 (1966-1967): l’inciampo come metodo

Pubblicato dicembre 15, 2018
Come citare
Orecchia, D. (2018). La stagione di Carmelo Bene al Beat 72 (1966-1967): l’inciampo come metodo. Il Castello Di Elsinore, (79), 27-44. https://doi.org/10.13135/2036-5624/27


From December 1966 to June 1967 Carmelo Bene performed at Beat 72 in Rome. Nostra Signora dei Turchi, Amleto o le conseguenze della pietà filiale, Salvatore Giuliano, Salomè, represent an important field of investigation from several points of view: as a synthesis of Bene’s artistic career before his temporary detachment from the stage; as a new experiment of permanence in a space to inhabit (and transform), going beyond the single show; as a preamble for the “Nuovo Teatro” conference that will be held in Ivrea shortly thereafter; as an opportunity for a critical debate; as a focus on one of the liveliest Roman “cantina” in its beginnings.


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